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In the journey of Seydou Kienou's musical life

he was lucky enough to make 16 CDs and I personally want to thank all the people who believed in me musically.

I sincerely thank those who helped me psychologically and morally. A huge thank you also to all the people who helped me make all my CDs. Also a huge thank you to all my fans and my students, because without you I would not have been lucky enough to get to where I have arrived, thanks again to all of you and may God Bless you. I wish you peace, love and serenity from Seydou Kienou.

Piakade Vol 14

1. This song explains that everything has its time, anything you want if it isn't  his time never comes. If you want to have a family, a husband or  a wife or children, if it's not the right time it never comes. Therefore you can say that you have to give time to time because everything that is destined for you there is no need to look for it because first   or then you'll find it in front of you. The song  gives  the advice to live life serenely in peace because everything that awaits you will never escape you.


2. This song explains that life is not a competition, because you can get up to do anything before others, and say that you will always be first, but others can get up after you and get there before you. This song gives advice that you should never underestimate anyone, because sometimes people who seem meaningless to you become better and powerful people in life. 


3. This song is about hard-headed people who never listen to other people's advice, because they feel they are better than others, cool in the case of a man, and in the case of a woman she feels she is the most beautiful. But these are not beautiful people inside, because they have no consideration for other people. They are people rich in money because they were lucky enough to have everything. But one day it can happen that you lose everything, because life is a passage for everyone. So the most important thing is to maintain humility, this is true wealth. 


4. In life each of us  has his knowledge what he knows he knows what he doesn't know he doesn't know what you are you are what you are not you are not, therefore elderly,  children and young people together we all agree that every person has knowledge and power. It is useless to be envious of others, because one cannot be or have what the other is or has. 


5. This rhythm represents the celebration of women's day. When women complained because their husbands behaved badly, this rhythm was played to call all the men under the baobab  of the village, and where the village chief tells the men who have behaved badly with women that they will be punished in prison and without eating for days. And when they leave prison they swear to God and the Village Chief that they will never behave badly again. These men will vow to behave and respect their women and love them for the rest of their lives. Therefore the women all come together to celebrate this moment of happiness with music, and so they all find themselves dancing together in honor of all the women of the world.  


6. This song represents African mothers who are doing the dance because they have a baby, and they say that having a baby is the most beautiful thing in life. So they pray to God because who wants a child  God bring a child. Because having a child is a joy, a happiness, a gift from God. 


7. This song explains that you can't please everyone, because in life sometimes there are people  who don't even know you and have never seen you and they don't like you for no reason, when you meet people like that, you have to be superior and  smart, live your life without giving those people the chance to dirty your life and lose your happiness. 


8.This song says that if you want a person who doesn't want you, don't despair, maybe that person isn't meant for you, take a good look around you  because there will be someone else who wants you with love and the passion you deserve. In life there is always someone who loves you and wants you as well as with your strengths and weaknesses. 


9. As long as a person  lives is a sinner because if you want to do things properly you can always make mistakes, because no one is perfect because perfection does not exist

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